Escape Homes - Essence

E X T E R I O R S T H AT M A K E A N I M P R E S S I O N Our homes have incredible kerb appeal, largely due to the excellent range of thoughtful exterior inclusions that come standard with ever y Escape Home. B E A U T I F U L A N D D U R A B L E F AC A D E Our homes come with a cleverly-designed facade, with rendered brick veneer painted to match your home using durable all-weather premium paint. Welcome visitors to your home with a cheer y and durable front door, complete with feature glazing. C O L O R B O N D R OO F Protect your entire home with a genuine Colorbond roof, fascia and gutter, available in a wide range of Colorbond colours to suit your home. F U L L T E R M I T E P R OT E C T I O N Enjoy peace of mind from the moment you move in, knowing that your home has been fully treated with termite protection to comply with Australian Standards. E X T E R I O R S I N C L U S I O N S Exteriors that make an impression Our homes have incredible kerb appeal, largely due to the excellent range of thoughtful exterior inclusions that come standard with every Escape Home.