Escape Homes - Essence

C O N T R AC T Prior to building, you will receive an HIA residential fixed-price contract. S O I L T E S T S A N D S U R V E Y S A comprehensive soil test and contour sur vey (set out by registered sur veyor) of your allotment will be under taken with all applicable fees paid. P L A N S A N D A P P R OVA L S We will take care of drafting construction plans and obtaining all local council approvals, with all applicable fees paid. E A R T HWO R K S A N D S E D I M E N T C O N T R O L Have peace of mind knowing that we will complete all necessar y ear thworks and set up sediment control barriers. Have peace of mind knowing that when you build with Escape, all of the building essentials are fully taken care of throughout the building and post-building process. A L L T H E B U I L D I N G E S S E N T I A L S